In 2002, the European Community adopted the Environmental Noise Directive, which sets out a uniform approach to reduce harmful effects and nuisance. Under this Directive, the member states of the European Union are obliged to draw up noise maps and noise action plans with the participation of the public.

Our Scope of Services

  • Noise Mapping and Noise Action Planning
    limited to traffic routes that are affected depending on the respective stage of the EU Environmental Noise Directive.

For the action plans, the affected traffic routes are analyzed with regard to efficient noise reduction planning and appropriate noise reduction proposals are submitted. Furthermore, if noise reduction measures have been implemented as part of the first stage of the EU noise action planning, an analysis and assessment of these measures are carried out.

  • Complete Mapping of all Traffic Routes and Noise Action Planning
    all traffic routes relevant to emissions.

The results are less ambiguous and, by taking into account all traffic routes, they are also relevant for all significant immission locations with regard to total traffic noise. They provide important input and conclusions for urban land-use planning (land use planning and development planning). When it comes to noise action planning, all noise hot spots are first identified and analyzed. The results become part of a priority list. In a further step, proposals for measures are developed and action plans are drawn up based on these proposals. Furthermore, if noise reduction measures have been implemented as part of the first stage of EU noise action planning, an analysis and assessment of these measures are carried out.

  • Noise reduction planning
    both conventional according to § 47a BImSchG and selective to improve the noise situation in hot spots
  • Noise mapping and noise action planning across municipalities
  • Public participation, public relations, roundtables, informative events, workshops and noise walks
  • Surveys
    e.g. interviews, postal questionnaires or online-based questionnaires

Our References

Noise Reduction Planning

  • City of Munich (several subareas)
  • Gemeinde Putzbrunn

Intercommunal noise mapping and noise action planning

  • Cities of Donaueschingen, Bad Duerrheim, Blumberg, St. Georgen, Huefingen, Gemeinde Moenchweiler and Gemeinde Brigachtal

Interdisciplinary urban development concept (concepts concerning urban, green, transport and environmental planning)

  • Wendlingen am Neckar
  • City of Penzberg

Complete mapping (traffic, industrial and leisure noise) and noise action planning according to the EU Environmental Noise Directive with survey

  • Gemeinde Raubling
  • Gemeinde Vaterstetten
  • Markt Meitingen

Noise action planning according to the EU Environmental Noise Directive

  • State capital Munich – Review of the mapping as well as analysis and evaluation of the planning of measures
  • City of Augsburg – Development and implementation of a cost-benefit analysis for the 2nd stage of noise action planning
  • City of Wernau
  • City of Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz
  • City of Wendlingen am Neckar
  • Gemeinde Neuried
  • City of Neusaess
  • Gemeinde Taufkirchen
  • Gemeinde Gauting
  • Gemeinde Koengen
  • City of Geislingen
  • City of Laupheim
  • Gemeinde Aying
  • Gemeinde Gruenwald
  • Gemeinde Planegg

Redrafting of the land use plan

  • City of Unterschleissheim

Noise mapping

  • Conurbation Nuremberg-Fuerth-Erlangen
  • Conurbation Augsburg
  • Creation of grid maps for the city of Erlangen

Written surveys

  • Gemeinde Raubling
  • Gemeinde Vaterstetten
  • City of Wendlingen a. N.
  • Gemeinde Koengen
  • City of Laupheim

Cost-benefit analysis as part of the noise action planning framework

  • City of Munich
  • City of Augsburg


  • “Die EU – Umgebungslärmrichtlinie, Wie gut ist München auf das nächste Gesetz aus Brüssel vorbereitet?”; Green City 2006 (“The EU Environmental Noise Directive, How well is Munich prepared for the next law from Brussels?”; Green City 2006)
  • “Umgebungslärmrichtlinie – Eine Chance für eine leisere Stadt oder nur verlorene Zeit?”; Gruene Liga 2008 (“Environmental Noise Directive – An opportunity for a quieter city or just time lost?”; Green League 2008)
  • “NORAH – Eine Studie zur Wirkung von Verkehrslärm”, DAGA 2012 (“NORAH – A study on the effects of traffic noise”, DAGA 2012)
  • “Zur Auswahl von akustischen Kennwerten für Lärmwirkungsstudien”, DAGA 2011 (“On the selection of acoustic parameters for noise impact studies”, DAGA 2011)
  • Noise protection possibilities and limits in traffic planning” magazine: Beratende Ingenieure, Chapter: Building and Environment, 2006
  • “Befragungen als Hilfsmittel bei der Aufstellung von Lärmminderungsplänen”, Fortschritte der Akustik, 2001 (“Surveys as an aid in drawing up noise reduction plans”, Fortschritte der Akustik, 2001)
  • “Lärmminderungsplanung”, Vereinigung der Strassenbau- und Verkehrsingenieure in Bayern, January 2011 (“Noise reduction planning”, Association of road construction and traffic engineers in Bavaria, January 2011)
  • “Lärmaktionsplanung als koordinierendes Instrument der integrierten Stadtentwicklungsplanung”, DAGA, Oldenburg, 2014 (“Noise action planning as a coordinating instrument of integrated urban development planning”, DAGA, Oldenburg, 2014)
  • “Lärmkartierung im Rahmen der EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie als Grundlage der Lärmaktionsplanung”, VDEI-Verkehrslärmschutztage, Munich, March 2015 (“Noise mapping within the framework of the EU Environmental Noise Directive as a basis for noise action planning”, VDEI Traffic Noise Protection Days, Munich, March 2015)

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